
Languages to English

'Languages to English' is a tool very adequate to learn English in Second Life. The users can learn to translate sentences or words from some languages to English.
Owners must add the data to the tool.

(Traduce una frase en Español al Inglés
(y escríbela en el cuadrado.
Soy una muchacha.
I am a girl.
Juego al tenis.
I play tennis.

When the tool is ready, with data added by the owner, users will be asked to translate some phrases or words to English. They must write the answer in a square and this tool will say if the answer is right or wrong. Furthermore, this tool helps users to complete answers by giving a clue.
This tool can be used to learn English by oneself.
This can be used by plural accounts, too.
'Languages to English' needs just two prims to be used and it works with 2.0 version of Second Life.

You will find it at Dracy´s Virtual Shop

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